There are some forty million Gaúchos in South America; People with rich traditions and strong ties to family and to the land. But they are peoples who, for the most part, have never had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Eleven million of these peoples live in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and we have the challenge and the privilege to share Jesus with these wonderful people. Every year we ask our friends and supporters to join us in daily prayer for the people of Rio Grande do Sul for thirty days. We provide this list of prayer requests so that you can pray and be informed about the Lord’s work here.
Thank you for praying and thank you for the victories your prayers will lead to in the reaching of the Gaúchos.
Pray for obedient servants who will accept the challenge in Rio Grande do Sul and strive to reach the many different peoples that form this beautiful tapestry of cultures and heritage.
With almost 400 municipal districts with no Baptist work, the challenge is great. The opportunities are greater still. There are doors open but it requires the Lord’s wisdom to know the places and the timing. Pray for that all will be done according to the Lord’s plan and that He will receive the honor and glory for the victories.
Pray for the North Region. This area lies between the Missions and the Mountains and has the problems of both regions. The large numbers of Italians and Germans have strongly held traditions. The Gaúcho influence of independence is also strongly felt. This makes the task to plant churches more difficult. But the work has been growing in places like Erechim and Passo Fundo. The work in Carazinho, after a very difficult time, is advancing. Pray that the Lord will provide even greater victories in the days ahead.
Pray for the Riddles in Ijuí. We have seen good times and tough times but the Lord has blessed through all this. We love the people and the work and are excited about what the Lord has in store for the years ahead. Pray that we will be able to see the Gaúcho people as the Lord sees them and that we will follow His leadership in the most effective way to win the lost, disciple the believers, and multiply the churches.
Pray for the efforts in ICASAP (Ijuí, Cruz Alta, Santo Ângelo, and Panambi.) This region has a strong group of churches which could serve to start new works. When we arrived in the region, these four communities and surrounding area had seven churches and one mission point. Today there are eleven churches and eight missions plus a number of group studies that could become churches. Pray that more churches will grasp the vision for growth.
Pray for the Pioneer Baptist Convention. This fellowship of Baptist churches has work in six states of Brazil including more than twenty-five churches in Rio Grande do Sul. They also sponsor work for orphans, senior citizens homes, missionaries, church planting, and the Faculdade Batista Pioneira in Ijuí. This convention was founded by German Baptist almost 100 years ago but has work with various ethnic and cultural groups and continues to plant works among the traditional Brazilian communities.
Pray for the Missions Region. This is the northwest corner of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and is a strong agricultural region with soy beans, corn, wheat, oats, and other crops. Part of the challenge to reaching this region is the large number of municipal districts; more than 125 and only a few have a Baptist church. There has been a renewed effort to start works in the area including Augusto Pestana, Santa Barbara do Sul, Ijuí, and other locations. But the cities that are open to start work is a long list: Coronel Barros, Entre Ijuís, Horizontina, Pejuçara, Bozano, and many, many more.
Pray for the Frontier Region which is suffering from a terrible drought. Although most of the state has faced the challenge and the rains have returned, the frontier region has not caught up and desperately needs more rain. The region produces rice which requires a significant rainfall.
Pray for the traditionalists of Rio Grande do Sul. The celebration of the rich culture of the Gaúcho is an important part of their identity. Unfortunately, the traditions often mean more than the truth of Jesus Christ. They know that to accept Christ requires changes in their lives and lifestyles and they are not willing to give up the past to receive the potential blessing of the future. Pray that they will see that Jesus is the best decision they could make and that He will always give more in return than we can imagine.
Please pray for the Gaúchos in the state capital city of Porto Alegre. This week is key for their identity as a people as they spend the month celebrating their cowboy history and heritage and their failed civil war against Brazil. Pray that the Gaúcho believers will channel their cultural pride into a desire to see their people reached for Christ. Pray that God will show the churches how to use the culture to reach out and start new, contextualized churches that reach their people where they are at. Pray that God will start a move of His Holy Spirit during this important month that will sweep through the Gaúcho people and transform them into a people who take great pride in calling on their true King, Jesus Christ.
Today is the celebration of the Farroupilha Revolution. In the 1830s the imperial government attempted to dominate and tax the people of the territory which is the present day Rio Grande do Sul. This led to a revolt in 1835 and a war that lasted for ten years. The state flag of Rio Grande do Sul still bears the title of the Riograndense Republic and takes great pride in the self-determination and individualism of the soldiers of that era. This strong individualism still dominates the character of the Gaúcho. It also makes it difficult to win the Gaúcho to the Lord. Pray that the people will retain their pride but will see that the only solution for the dominance of sin is the salvation that can only come from Jesus.
Pray for the Frontier Region. This area runs along the border with Uruguay and Argentina and is the cultural heartland of the Gaúcho people. This is the cattle country and the location which has held the strongest ties to the past and the Gaúcho heritage. It is common to see the people riding the range in the traditional garb. Celebrations of the past are regular occurrences. It has been difficult to plant churches in the region and the few that have been planted have remained weak and small.
Pray for the state Baptist Camp in Itaara, just north of Santa Maria. A small rustic setting yet it has been used by the Lord to win souls, disciple believers, and train leaders for the future. Although we as missionaries are not directly involved in the work at the camp, we have seen the results in changed lives and renewed commitments. Pray that the camp will continue to be used for the Lord’s glory and that hundreds more will be impacted by this ministry.
Pray for the city of Santa Maria. This city of over 270,000 has one of the highest concentrations of students and military in all of Brazil. This has made the city an important center for education and communications. The churches in the city have a vision for growth and for new works. There are still dozens of cities nearby without evangelical witness but the opportunities for new work are greater than ever.
Pray for the Central Region of Rio Grande do Sul. The geographic heart is also the center for agriculture and education. The cities of the region have been involved in the leadership of the state and the country for many years and the look to continue this trend for many years to come. The openness to the Gospel has been seen more in this part of the state than any other. The work is still slow but there are far more open doors for the work. Pray that the efforts will bear much fruit for the Lord.
Pray for the Southern Region outside of the two largest cities. Although the region has a smaller population and the cities are spread over a large area, there are open doors which could allow a rapid multiplying of churches in the region. Pray for the vision that will have the churches grow and reachout.
Pray for the Southern Region of Rio Grande do Sul. The greater part of the population live in the cities of Rio Grande and Pelotas. These are major ports for Brazil and efforts to reach these cities could impact work with thousands who work the ships that come to the state. There are some particular challenges to the work. The health challenges include AIDS tuberculosis, leprosy, and others. The rise of the spiritist religions and sects has impacted the communities. Pray for the churches to be strong in the Lord and wise in the use of time and resources. Pray with us for someone to accept the challenge to be missionary leaders in the region.
Pray for the summer impact efforts along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul. Summer in Brazil is generally considered December through February. Many of the people in the cities will flee to the coastal region for a time of relaxation. People from other countries also make the journey to the Gaúcho coast. This is a great opportunity for evangelism. As the weather has gotten warmer, many are already headed to the beach for the weekends. Pray that an effective outreach plan will be used to win these travelers to the Lord and that greater efforts will be made to connect them to churches when they return home.
Pray for the work of the Baptist Convention of Rio Grande do Sul. In recent years financial challenges have limited the work. The leadership has worked for the past several years to get the house in order and in the last two years has made a concerted effort to increase the number of workers and number of churches in the state. The spirit of the convention is the best it has been in a long time and the vision to reach the state is greater than ever. Pray for the resources and the conviction to reach all the municípios (counties) with the Gospel.
Pray for Bill and Cheryl Arbo. They are reaching out to one of the least responsive groups in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. A group that is estimated to be less than ∏ of 1 % evangelized. Pray that they will not become discouraged but will be given greater fruit for their efforts n the Lord’s name. Pray for them as they prepare for stateside assignment.
Pray for Larry and Marla Greene and their children Kristina, Mary, Luke, and Landon. They serve as church planters working in the Greater Porto Alegre Region. With the challenges of the false religions and the pervasive materialism of the region, their task is extremely difficult. Pray for the insights and the encouragements as they serve the Lord. Presently they are on stateside assignment so pray for time with family and friends and as they share the challenges of their work.
Pray for Jeff and Cam Dunson and their boys Blake and Parker. This couple leads the Gaucho Team in Greater Porto Alegre. The task they have to coordinate and develop plans to reach the millions in the region is overwhelming. Pray that they will have the strength and wisdom to do all God has called them to do. Presently they are on stateside assignment so pray for a time of personal renewal and of sharing the mission task.
The Greater Porto Alegre Area of Rio Grande do Sul includes all the cities around the capital of the state. Well over 4,000,000 people live in the region and there are only two dozen churches working to reach the communities. If the capital could be reached, the task of reaching the rest of the state could be a lot simpler but the cultures and diversity of the region will make reaching the people a tremendous challenge.
Today is the celebration of Brazilian independence from Portugal. On this date in 1822, the Imperator Dom Pedro I declared Brazil separate and independent. The desire for freedom is tremendous. Pray that the people of Brazil will see the need to be freed from the bondage of sin and receive the glorious freedom that is in Christ Jesus.
Pray for the outreach to the large population of German heritage in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Working with this group is a special challenge because the dialects are so different and often the people are in very small communities. Pray for Daniel and Teresa Allen and their sons Joseph and John as they seek for innovative means to reach the people and plant simple churches in the communities.
Pray for Robert and Kerri Hamilton and their children Katharine, Joseph, Elizabeth, and Samuel as they prepare to begin the work to reach the Italians in Rio Grande do Sul. They are presently studying the language and culture of Brazil in Riberão Preto. They will finish their course there in December and be moving to the mountain region of the state. Pray for them to continue to have a strong walk with the Lord and be given the insight into bringing down the barriers that have limited the response to the Gospel by this people group.
Pray for the Italian population of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and all of Brazil. More than 30% of the people of Rio Grande do Sul claim Italian heritage. Millions more of Brazilians throughout the country do as well. Because of traditions and strong family loyalty, it has been difficult to reach this group with the saving message of Jesus Christ. Pray for open doors and the bridges of faith that will reach them.
Pray for the greater Caxias do Sul area. More than 600,000 people live in this collection of mostly Italian cities. The efforts to reach the region have been slow but dedicated leaders have made inroads into the lostness of the area. Mike and Donna Wilson and their children Matthew and Hannah, live and work in Caxias in an effort to evangelize, disciple, and plant strong, growing churches. Pray especially for them today that they might have a greater vision and greater wisdom in this work.
Pray today for the mountain region of the state, an area with a rich mixture of Italian, German, and other European heritages. The strong traditions of the past make this a wonderful place to visit and share but it makes it difficult for the people to accept the change that Jesus can make in their lives.
Pray for the seven regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. From the mountains of the northeast to the lowlands of the frontier and from the Atlantic coast to the high plains of the northwest. The state is larger than Georgia and Alabama combined. People live in cities, towns, and villages and represent dozens of cultures and ethnic groups. All have one need above all others, to know Jesus Christ and to walk with Him every day.